How to make your resume for TEFL
The field of teaching English as a foreign language is unquestionably exciting. The opportunity to live abroad, start a business, change careers, broaden your horizons, and even assist others in making life changes? In reality, it would be difficult to summarise everything gained and contributed from TEFL experience in a single resume!
Regarding TEFL, however, you’ll need an impressive CV that will make any employer sit up and take notice. You see, TEFL employers are hard to please; for the best-paying and most reputable jobs, you’ll need a resume that pops off the page and is worth reading repeatedly.
What if you want to teach English without a degree? Or are you a non-native English speaker? Can you create a CV that will get you noticed by top schools and employers worldwide? Yes, you most certainly can.
Whatever your level of expertise, there are some key things you can do to solidify the CV you’re sending out. Let’s start and see what you can do to make yourself virtually unbeatable regarding hiring time!
Volunteer TEFL work
Volunteering is always a good idea. It is also true that some people who require the most assistance with English need the resources available to them.
As a result, teaching TEFL as a volunteer is unquestionably a good thing to do. There are opportunities to teach English to refugees in major cities. Breaking Barriers, for example, is looking for volunteers in London.
Find out what’s happening in your community and contact adult learning centres and the local council – speculative volunteering inquiries often lead to the most rewarding and fulfilling opportunities.
Volunteering looks great on a resume, according to employers. By its nature, volunteering shows an awareness and empathy for local or international issues. It offers self-sacrifice in that you’re giving up your time to improve your skills and providing a learning platform for others.
Proof of English proficiency
Non-native English speakers need help in the TEFL job market. Unfortunately, native-speakerism exists in the TEFL industry, leading to a bias against non-native speakers regardless of their English.
But don’t let that discourage or dishearten you. Upskilling and obtaining additional qualifications can help you stand out during the application process.
Taking the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) shows you have proficiency in English in terms of oral and written skills.
Both are internationally recognised and graded by highly skilled, regularly monitored examiners. Objectively, a high score on the IELTS demonstrates that you can speak and write in English to a very high level. Employers will be able to tell that your English is of the required standard if you have a certificate of proficiency, which will make it easier for you to find work.
Are you looking for a way to beef up your resume and ensure that no employer will doubt your ability to teach English? This may be the best way to go about it. Furthermore, including an officially recognised certificate on your resume is always a good idea!
Gain experience by teaching online
Are you looking to try TEFL abroad but want to put your skills to the test and add an employer to your resume first?
Teaching online, even for a short time, is an excellent option. If you have TEFL certification (the industry standard is 120 hours), you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can start teaching English online. Numerous excellent companies are looking for teachers of various levels, and the best part is that there are multiple ways to get started.
Looking to try TEFL abroad but want to test yourself and add an employer to your resume first?
Teaching online, even if only briefly, is an excellent option. We have a comprehensive guide to Teaching English Online, which we strongly recommend for both veteran and new TEFL teachers and everyone in between. If you have TEFL certification (120 hours is the industry standard), you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can start teaching English online. Numerous excellent companies are looking for teachers at various levels, and the best part is that there are multiple ways to get started.
Advanced TEFL courses are an excellent way to go.
In TEFL, having a base qualification, such as 120 hours, and a specialised certificate can significantly affect your job prospects.
Which Advanced TEFL courses should you take? That is entirely your point of view. Some countries, particularly those with growing economies, will value the ability to teach business English, so enrolling in a course focused on this subject will put you ahead of the competition. In short, if you have the ability, it is worth investigating whether an Advanced TEFL course is a good fit for you. There are numerous speciality areas. An employer will be impressed with an additional TEFL qualification and the determination to find a niche as a teacher.
There are so many options
Whatever method you choose to improve your resume, it is worth investigating your options. Volunteering demonstrates initiative, compassion, and a strong work ethic. If you are not a native English speaker, obtaining IELTS qualifications can help to break down barriers or preconceived notions and ideas that an employer may have. Meanwhile, teaching English online with a reputable company will express your desire to gain experience. Futhermore, it will provide you with a reference that an employer can use to learn more about you.
Each of these options is dependent on your available time and resources. It will be well worth it if you can do any of these things to boost your TEFL resume. Especially if you intend to make TEFL your career.
Best of luck out there!