Accredited & regulated TEFL Courses
Our courses are government regulated by the UK government department Ofqual meaning they have undergone the best quality checks to ensure that they are of the best standard for your learning experience. Our Level 5 courses are awarded by the UK awarding body, Highfield. We also hold accreditation with ODLQC (Open & Distance Learning Quality Council) and ACDL (Accreditation Council for Distance Learning).

What is a Level 3 and a Level 5 TEFL qualification?
The levels given to the courses refer to the UK government’s framework for qualifications. This means that the courses have been standardised and awarded a level based on this framework for courses in the UK. Our 120-hour course material is equivalent to a Level 3 whereas our Diploma and 60-hour Awards are approved Level 5 courses. Level 5 courses are the same level as foundation degree qualifications and Cambridge CELTA courses.
Undertaking an accredited course has several benefits for the learner:
- the staff delivering the course will be highly qualified and trained in the subject area.
- the course will be of a higher quality as it has been verified and also revised by subject professionals who can attest to its content and assessments.
- Assessments are marked fairly and held to a certain standard, which means that as a learner, you can feel confident that fair, objective decisions are made about your work.
- the qualifications are internationally recognised and accreditation can be verified by employers (and you) so you can be sure you are undertaking a legitimate course for your needs.