Home / Job Placement Services: What to Expect and What to Demand

Students come to us from all walks of life. Their motivations are their own but the end goal is always the same: find a great TEFL job.

But what qualifies as a great TEFL job? Aside from the obvious; stability, visa support services, strong reputation, etc., the answer is decidedly personal. You have a region that interests you. You have age level that interests you. You have a picture of “perfect” in mind.

We can help you find your perfect TEFL job but only if you have a clear understanding of how the process works. Here is breakdown of what we should expect and demand of each other.

Do Your Research and Be Realistic

The job support services at the TEFL Institute of Ireland weren’t put in place to find you a job. They were put in place to give you career guidance and to work with you to find the best available job.

In order to do that, you need to have a realistic understanding of the different job tiers and which apply to you. If you have a TEFL certification and zero work experience you aren’t going to land a high-paying teaching position at a University in Oman. Start by asking our job support representatives to explain the tiers and the qualifications required. Use the ESL forums to chat with current teachers. Decide where you want to teach. Pick an age level that you think best suits your temperament. Adjust your expectations up from the very bottom and down from the very top. Come to us prepared and we’ll help you find your perfect TEFL job.

Don’t Settle for Less than the Dream

Newly certified TEFL teachers have a tendency to jump at the first available job opportunity. Don’t do that. Unless the first job is a your perfect job, wait, be patient. We have excellent relationships with top programs in every region of the world. If we find a job that we think is a great fit and you disagree, say so. We will continue working together until we find a job that absolutely lights you up.

Even Dream Jobs Are Unpolished

When it comes to teaching English abroad, even the dreamiest of dream jobs have their faults. Your perfect job might have more office hours than you had hoped. Your perfect job might come with less than ideal housing. Be patient and be selective but understand that even your perfect job is going to be imperfect.

Networking Matters

The TEFL industry is like any other, it is about who you know. As your TEFL career progresses you will have English teacher friends around world. You will know school administrators and people working in non-teaching TEFL roles. But for now, you have us! Everyone here at the TEFL Institute of Ireland is part of your network. Your TEFL Certification was just the beginning. We can be a career long resource for you and not just through our job board, blogs and videos, but as fellow TEFL professionals.

Because We Are Teachers Too

The TEFL Institute of Ireland is a fully licenced training centre through Training Qualifications UK. And we have more than 25 years of experience. But what really makes our job support services standout is the fact we are also teachers. We have all taught English abroad. We remember what it was like to be where you are now. And we will never recommend a job that we would not take ourselves.

What is your perfect TEFL job? Bring us an idea and we’ll find you a match.

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