Home / How to Prepare for an English Teacher Interview
Interview Tips

Do you have an upcoming interview to teach English? It can be a bit nerve-racking preparing for an interview, especially if it is your first time. There is no need to worry; we have put together a list of things to do to help prepare you for your interview.

1. Do your research

Before walking into your interview or logging onto Skype, know as much as possible about the school you are interviewing for. You should know the basics about this school, i.e. whether it is private or public, how large the school is, etc. When you know more about the school, you will feel more comfortable in the interview.

You should also know as much as possible about the position before the interview (at least as much as you can from the job description or online research). Before the interview, you should know what ages you will be teaching, average class size, etc.

2. Review Interview Questions

Like most interviews, there will be character questions and it is best to review them and have some ideas of what your answer will be. For example, what is your biggest weakness, what are your greatest strengths? In addition, if you are interviewing for a position abroad, know some basic information about the country. For example, you may be asked, why you wish to live in that country and what you hope to do while there.

3. Ask Questions

Although you have thoroughly done your research, some things you may not be able to know before your interview. For example, will there be a teacher’s assistant in the classroom and how long is each class? By asking specific questions, you demonstrate your interest in the school, your knowledge, and professionalism.

4. Dress for success 

It is always best to be overdressed than underdressed. You should dress for the position you want, rather than the position that you have. For men, wear a nice button-down, with a tie, slacks, perhaps a blazer, and nice shoes. As for women, wear a nice blouse, with a skirt or trousers, and max 2-inch heels.

5. Be prepared to do a demo class

When you are interviewing for an online teaching position, it is very common for interviewees to do a mock-class. During this mock-class, you will pretend to be teaching a student (usually aged between 5-13). You will run through the given slides (sent ahead of time) as if it were a real class. Do not be nervous! To prepare for this, it is best to review the slides and practice doing the class. By doing this, you will feel comfortable with the material and prepared for the demo class.

 6. Check Equipment and Surroundings

If you are conducting the interview online, you need to make sure that all of your equipment is working. Be sure that your Internet connection is strong, your microphone and sound are clear and that you are in a well-lit area. Furthermore, you want to make sure that you have a neutral background with not a lot of background noise.

These are just a few things to review to help you prepare for your first interview. By preparing for your interview, you are setting yourself up for success. Remember, by completing our TEFL certification course, you are more than prepared! Just relax and breath, you are going to crush your interview!

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